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Auto Injury Care

Not addressing injuries from an auto accident can lead to long term physical issues. Our Bend, Oregon chiropractors are trained to address auto accident injuries to ensure rapid recoveries and long term function & health.

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Accidents Happen, We're Here to Help.

After an accident, your health and recovery should be your number one priority. Even if you don’t think you are injured you should still seek chiropractic care as soon as possible. Many injuries can take hours or even days to present themselves.

Car accident victims are often left with injuries that range from mild to severe.

Five Most Commonly Treated Conditions for Auto Injury Care

Neck & Back Pain

Addresses pain in these areas by realigning the spine, reducing tension, and improving function through targeted adjustments and therapies.

Soft Tissue

Chiropractic care for soft tissue injuries involves targeted therapies and adjustments to aid healing and restore function in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.


Targets various headache types by addressing underlying causes such as spinal misalignments or muscle tension through chiropractic adjustments to reduce frequency and intensity.

Muscle Stiffness & Tension

Alleviates stiffness and tension in muscles by targeting misalignments and applying techniques to enhance mobility and reduce discomfort.


Targets neck strain from sudden movements, often due to accidents, through adjustments and therapies to restore mobility and alleviate pain.

Arms & Legs

A focus on realigning the spine and extremities, utilizing targeted therapies and exercises to aid healing, reduce pain, and restore mobility in these specific areas.

What To Do If You Get Into A Car Accident

Quick steps to perform after getting in a motor vehicle accident:

Exchange Info

Exchange insurance information

Call Insurance

Call your insurance company

Gather Witness Info

Gather any witness contact information


Take pictures of the vehicles and scene

Contact Us

Contact High Desert Chiropractic

Personalized Treatment

Receive a custom treatment plan

In the State of Oregon Auto Insurance healthcare costs are typically covered by your PIP (Personal Injury Protection). Our office staff can help you with questions regarding your benefits.

Live Life Without Pain.
Contact Us Today.

Ready to free yourself from pain and get back to life? Our Bend, Oregon chiropractors are here to help you achieve your health goals. 

Call or Schedule An Appointment Online Today